
Oct 31, 2011

Nine shops of t-shirts for nerds

There is a list of 9 shops of t shirts for the geek and nerds .Ready to follow the geek style,like sheldon ? Check below our selection of clothing shops online more nerds of the world!


The site gringo KlearGear seems a mess at first sight: there are many options to see. Besides having six categories of t-shirts – one devoted entirely to it specialists! – the account store with gadgets, toys, books and objects of decoration.

20 reasons to love Sheldon Cooper

Sheldon Cooper is one of the freaks that most famous have been made, portrayed by Jim Parsons in the brilliant series The Big Bang Theory.

And it is not for less, Dr. Sheldon Cooper has two doctorates and a master's degree, is an expert in theoretical physics (and great lover of string theory) and its name comes from the physicist Leon Neil Cooper, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1972.

Sheldon Cooper, theoretical physicist
Its success is probably based on the genius of his answers and his characteristic way of being, full of comic, technical and scientific details, which we will highlight only 20...